Pray for Our Country

I am extremely thankful for the outcome of our election! But we need to continue to pray for our nation daily. I believe that God was merciful and allowed Trump another four years to hopefully turn our nation back in the right direction. I also believe that God has given us another chance to turn back to Him with all of our hearts, souls, minds and strength. But we Christians need to do just that. We must follow Him with our whole being. The Bible says we are to seek His face and to humble ourselves, to turn from our sinful ways and to pray and then God promises that He will bless our nation again. So, we may have a long road ahead of us to restore the brokenness and divisiveness here in America (and all the countries around the world), but through Christ, all things are possible.
So please continue to join me in praying for our country, our new President and his family's salvation, the people that he will be surrounded with and those he appoints, our local and state leaders, our public, private and charter schools, our first responders, etc. and of course, please pray for our children and yourself! I continue to ask the Lord to help me to be the mom that he has called me to be. I also believe that we parents should be working on ourselves and preparing our hearts to see Jesus right along with our children. The Bible says that He is coming in a twinkling of an eye. That no one knows the day or the hour, but there are many signs indicating that it could be soon. So, are you ready to meet Jesus face-to-face? What if He comes tomorrow?
Fifteen years ago, I didn't really understand or appreciate what the Bible says about the rapture of His church and what it means for us Christians. Our understanding needs to be based on biblical truth because we are His bride, and we are nearing the end of the church age, and we have a glorious future that awaits us. Our lamps need to be filled now, and we need have a true relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. So let's make sure to keep that perspective, no matter how good our country gets. And again, please don't get me wrong, I am praying that this incoming administration will do great things for our nation and for our children and generations to come. It is exciting and what we prayed for, but I do feel that we need to be prepared and to daily tell others about the Good News and go about our Father's business, just like in the parable about the 10 servants which is in Luke 19:11-27. We want to hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant."
Finally remember, Jesus is our only hope! Not Trump or anyone else... So keep on praying, stay humble, strong and healthy, and may God continue to bless America and heal all of the nations around the world!