Jen's Healing Story
Over the years, I have gone through different seasons of healing. Past abuse as a child and sinful mistakes in my life needed to be delt with. I cried through many hours of counseling sessions, freedom sessions and most recently, I attended a weekend retreat for post abortive women. It was wonderful. (Click here for more about my experience at the Deeper Still Healing Retreat.)
All these were very helpful, but sometimes, God will use a simple prayer to set us free from the guilt or pain that we have held onto from our past.
Allowing God to heal us and set us free sometimes takes time, but I do believe that it is a choice that we need to make on our own. As we come before the Lord, we need to believe that He can and will heal us. We need to have faith that the All Mighty God can set us free from that bondage.
When Jesus gave His life for us on the cross, it was for our Salvation and for our healing. In Isaiah 53:5 it says, "By His stripes (or wounds), we are healed." I know that God did not put that in the Bible by accident, but instead, to encourage us that He has overcome the world and He is the author of our lives. He desires to heal us and to live a life pleasing to Him.
Some say that everything, both good and bad things, happen for a reason. Some very ugly things happened to me when I was a child and I didn't understand why. Was this God's plan for my life? Abuse and later an abortion? I don't believe so. Because somethings were out of my control, I did make some very poor choices in my life. Some were my fault and other choices were not. But this is the story that God wrote for me and I'm going to use it to further His kingdom and to glorify Him.
I also believe that "God works all things for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28) He is perfect and wants the best for His children. I made many terrible choices and put my self in situations that were not ideal. I chose not to walk with the Lord for many years and not to obey His commandments. I needed to repent and to ask for His forgiveness of my sins. Continue Reading...
I remember the first time my husband and I were trying to get pregnant; it took several months for us to conceive. I know how painful it was to have to wait and wait. Each month, I remember hoping and praying that "this would be the month" that I found out that I was pregnant.
God’s timing is not our timing. I know now that if I got pregnant months and months beforehand, I would not have my Micah or my Malia that I have today. You see, there would have been a completely different set of... Continue Reading
Miscarriage can be a devastating time in your life. Maybe you had one recently or maybe it was many years ago. Either way, it deeply hurts when you lose your baby. I am so very sorry for your loss and my heart breaks with yours.
I cannot pretend to understand how you must feel. It is so hard to know why God allows these things to happen to us. Both my sister and my mom have had two... Continue Reading
When I was just 16 years old, I did the unthinkable and I had an abortion. I did NOT want to do this. at the time, I was pressured into this decision by my boyfriend. (You can read the rest of my story on the following page.) Abortion not only kills babies, but it also changes the mother for the rest of her life. Depression and feelings of suicide are very normal. I know this firsthand, I almost took my life... Continue Reading
I am here today to encourage you to look inward at yourself today as you mature in your walk with the Lord. Ask Him to speak to you and then take the time to listen. This will benefit both you and your children.
If you need help with inner healing and deliverance, talk to a Christian counselor, your pastor’s wife or a trusted prayer partner who can walk with you on this journey. I also have a short booklet for you to download here that will help you walk through repentance, confession and forgiveness, which will then lead to healing and deliverance, and a closer relationship with God and with your children.
Dear Child of God,
Your Heavenly Father loves you so much! Would you would like to ask God to forgive you right now and join me in Heaven someday soon? If you do, please pray this prayer with me right now and make sure to send me a note so that I can pray for you also! Salvation Prayer.

No matter what you've done in your life, if you asked Him, He just forgive you! Take a look at my past! I was in total bondage, but now, I am completely set free by the blood of Jesus. This is the only way, NOT by our works or being a good person, but by the free gift that Jesus gave us on the cross.
He loves you more than you can ever imagine. All we need to do is ask Him to forgive us and He will cast all of our sins in the depths of the sea. (Micah 7:19)
I will be praying for you!
Many Blessings!
Jennifer Polimino